Short Intervals
2x5 mins (15 sec. on at RPE 8/15 off):
- Rope slams/Bike
- Squat jumps (Alt: KB swings)
- Push-up to plank
- DB snatches
- Slider mountain climbers
*Switch exercise every min
**3 mins rest between sets
*3 mins rest then
Conditioning circuits
3 rounds of 7 mins at RPE 6:
1. Bike x 7/12 cal.
+ Kneeling KB around the world x 6-8 each way
2. Row x 7/12 cal.
+ Landmine anti-rotations x 10 p/s
3. Sled-push x 6 laps or Jog x trees
+ DB curl to OH press x 8-12
*30 sec. rest between rounds