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Saturday 21-12-24

Partnered Long intervals:(3.5 mins on at RPE 7/2.5 mins off):

1. KB swing x 15 + Bike

2. Sledgehammer x 10 p/s

(Alt: Split-stance DB slam x 8 p/s) + Row

3. Sled TRX row to push x 2 u/b

+ MB side-toss x 5 p/s

+ MB chest-pass x 5

4. Run x 1st tree + Rope slams

5. DB snatch x 7 p/s + Plank

Sasha's choice


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Friday 27-11-24

Accessories: 2-3 sets of: -SA Half-kneeling shoulder press x 8-10 per side -DB incline curl x 10-12 -Hanging leg raise x 10-20 Mobility:...

Tuesday 24-12-24

Conditioning Circuit - 3x5-7 mins at RPE 6 on/ 30 sec off: 1. Row x 5 / 8 cal. + DB Alternating standing Press x 8-12 (0-2 RIR) +...


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