Aerobic Conditioning - Aim to keep a continuous steady pace
3 rounds of 7 mins:
1. Bike x 5/8 cal. +
DB renegade row x 8 p/s
2. Row x 5/8 cal. +
DB hollow chest-flyes x 10-15
3. Jog x 2nd tree +
Band palloff press x 12 p/s
*30 sec. rest between rounds
3 rounds of 7 mins:
4. Bike x 5/8 cal. +
Rope KB curls x 8-15
5. Row x 5/8 cal. +
Slider lateral lunge x 8 p/s
6. Jog x 2nd tree +
KB front-rack farmers walk x LZ
or Deadball bear-hug walk x LZ
*30 sec. rest between rounds